

Croissants, Pink/Peanut/Pistachio Pancakes, French Toast, Lax, Amore Ajvar, Turkish Egg, Wax Benedict, 

Cabbage Cravings, Topi de Padrón, BBQ Fantastico, Hummus Sabich, Shakshuka, 

Waldknödel, Triumvirat,

Apple-Walnut-Cake, Banana Bread, Choco Cookie, Choco Brownie 


Glutenfreie Varianten glutenfree options available

ohne Brot oder mit deinem eigenen Brot without bread or with your own bread:

Turkish Egg, Wax Benedict, Cabbage Cravings, Topi de Padrón, Hummus Sabich, Shakshuka, Triumvirat


Milch und -erzeugnisse milk

Turkish Egg, Wax Benedict, Basque Cheesecake 

Eier eggs

Turkish Egg, „+ Ei“, Basque Cheesecake, Wax Benedict


Erdnüsse peanuts



Mandeln almonds

Raw Cake

Haselnüsse hazelnuts

Overnight Oats, Cabbage Cravings

Walnüsse walnuts

French Toast, Raw Cake, Apple-Walnut-Cake

Pistazien pistachio

Croissant with Pistachio Cream, Pistachio Pancakes

Sojabohnen soy

French Toast, Pink/Peanut/Pistachio Pancakes, 

Lax, Shakshuka, Hummus Sabich, Topi de Padrón, Cabbage Cravings, BBQ Fantastico, „+Tofu“, Wax Benedict, Turkish Egg,

Banana Bread, Choco-Cookie, Choco-Brownie, Apple-Walnut-Cake, 


Sellerie celery

BBQ Fantastico, Shakshuka, Wax Benedict


Senf mustard

Fermented Goodies,  Wax Benedict, Waldknödel



Cabbage Cravings, BBQ Fantastico,  Turkish Egg, Hummus Sabish, Topi de Padron 


Schwefeldioxid/Sulfite sulfur Dioxid

Amore Ajvar, Waldknödel

Lupinen lupins · Weichtiere mollusks · Krebstiere crustaceans

Konservierungsstoffe preservatives

BBQ Fantastico

Geschmacksverstärker flavor enhancer

BBQ Fantastico


Farbstoff colouring

BBQ Fantastico, Paulaner Spezi, Sarti Spritz, Aperol Spritz, Campari Spritz, fritz 

Mit Farbstoff + „Kann Aktivität und Aufmerksamkeit bei Kindern beeinträchtigen“

Sarti Spritz, Campari Spritz, Aperol Spritz


Aperol Spritz


Paulaner Spezi, fritz kola


TH Tonic Water, Fiore D’Amore, Aperol Spritz, Portotonic

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